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mRNA technology: Facts and figures

Reading Time 2 min
July 07, 2023

mRNA technologies are revolutionizing medicine. Which diseases are they aimed at? How quickly are the new therapies coming along? And how do the innovative active ingredients enter the body? A numerical overview

Beyond COVID-19

Areas of application of mRNA therapeutics and vaccines1 in clinical development, in percent Source: Roots Analysis, as of January 2023

¹ Therapeutics for which the status information is available

Anwendungsgebiete von mRNA-Medikamenten und -Impfstoffen1 in der klinischen Entwicklung, in Prozent Quelle: Roots Analysis, Stand: Januar 2023 ¹ Medikamente, über die Status-Informationen verfügbar sind

Oncological disorders




Genetic disorders



genetische Erkrankungen

Pulmonary disorders



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Autoimmune disorders





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Other disorders





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mRNA takes off

Start of clinical trials with RNA therapeutics
Source: Beacon Intelligence, as of July 2022

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Nanoparticles in the lead

The most important transport systems for mRNA active ingredients by number of product developments
Source: Beacon Intelligence, as of January 2023

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Under the skin

Routes of administration of mRNA therapeutics and vaccines, in percent Source: Roots Analysis, as of January 2023
2 Including intradermal, subcutaneous, and external

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Sector pioneers

The most important developers of mRNA therapeutics by number of product developments
Source: Beacon Intelligence, as of July 2022

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