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“I’d like to get people hooked on physics”

Reading Time 1 min

Nitrogen is often the central element in our shows. We use it in almost all our performances

IN MY ELEMENT - Nitrogen

It’s stored in a vacuum jug—it’s a liquid at a temperature of -196°C, but as soon as it’s exposed to normal room temperature it becomes a gas. We can use it to generate fountains that are meters high, explode objects, or form a gigantic cloud in fractions of a second. All of these effects look spectacular on stage and thrill the audience.

When I was a doctoral candidate at TU Dortmund University, I worked with nitrogen every day. I would chill semiconductor samples in cryostats so that I could investigate them. Today I have a doctorate in physics, but I no longer work only as a scientist—I’m also an entertainer. Admittedly, this is a rather unusual career trajectory, but back when I was an undergraduate at the university I once saw a poster for the Physikanten. I was immediately electrified, and I applied to join the group. The Physikanten are a group of scientists, actors, and presenters who stage science shows all over Germany and the rest of Europe.

Dr. Matthias Salewski (30) hat im Laserlabor der TU Dortmund an Halbleiter-Nanostrukturen geforscht, doch mittlerweile zeigt er im Rampenlicht Experimente auf der Bühne. Als „Professor Liebermann“ ist er einer der kreativen Köpfe der Firma „Die Physikanten & Co.“, die Wissenschaftsshows in ganz Europa veranstaltet.

The job of conducting experiments in front of an audience was just right for me, because I had always wanted to perform on stage. I’m a huge comedy fan and a passionate Latin dancer, and I love to perform in front of an audience. My first performance with the Physikanten was on the Open House Day at the Federal Chancellery in Berlin, where we hosted a workshop. I performed as a Physikant during the entire time I was studying, and today it’s my main occupation. What I especially love about my work is the fact that I’m getting lots of people enthusiastic about science, and physics in particular. Doing research at a university is often so specialized that only a few people understand it. At our shows, it’s completely different.