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The chip industry in figures

Reading Time 2 min
March 17, 2023

Production stoppages, cost explosions, supply bottlenecks—when things don’t run smoothly in the semiconductor industry, the global economy suffers. Here’s an overview of the major players in the chip world, price trends, and prospects for the future

Who wants more chips?

Market forecast by area of application, in billions of US$

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An expensive surprise

Price development of semiconductors and electronics components, year-on-year change, in percent

Preisentwicklung von Halbleitern und Elektronikkomponenten, Veränderung gegenüber dem Vorjahr, in Prozent

Top seven

Semiconductor producers with in-housemanufacturing capacity, 2021 sales in billions of US$

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Asia dominates

Production capacity in the semiconductor industry by country/region, in percent

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