At the Summit on Sustainable Development in 2015, the United Nations defined 17 goals that are known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Evonik too is contributing in many different ways to supporting sustainable development. We present them here
Excessive consumption of resources and climate change are threatening the basis of life for many people. Increasing the sustainability of consumption and production should bring positive changes. Evonik supports this goal, for example through its increased use of renewable sources of energy.
Electricity from renewable sources such as wind power reduces CO2 emissions and makes users more independent of fossil energy carriers. Evonik is pursuing an ambitious goal: It aims to draw 100 percent of its externally sourced electricity from green energy sources by 2030. A new power supply contract with the energy utility RWE marks a further important step toward this goal. The Kaskasi offshore wind farm in the North Sea will provide Evonik with 37.5 gigawatt hours of energy per year starting in 2028.
From lofty heights
When viewed from a high altitude, the turbines of the wind parks in the North Sea look like cross-stitches on blue cloth. The North Sea is playing a central role in the international expansion of offshore wind energy. Plans call for it to supply Europe with electricity in the future as the “Green Power Plant of Europe”. The power plants currently in use deliver a total of approximately 20 gigawatts of power; as early as 2030, the wind farms are expected to provide 120 gigawatts. That corresponds to the output of 86 medium-sized nuclear power plants.
Green energy from wind
A plea for wind power (English / German with English subtitles)
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