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India: Tradition and Progress

Reading Time 3 min
September 27, 2018

A fascinating multiethnic country and an innovative technology location: India unites tradition and progress to an extent that few other countries can match. Evonik’s predecessor companies established footholds in India over 40 years ago. Since then, the company has continually increased its operations there. It’s an investment with a promising future.

Street scene in India, many people in colorful clothes are on foot.
About 1.3 billion people live on the Indian subcontinent. More than 100 languages are spoken in this gigantic country. At times, communication can be challenging. Therefore, English serves as the universal business language. India is home to a wide spectrum of ethnic groups and religions. That’s why the coexistence of various cultures is an everyday experience. India’s diversity is what makes it so fascinating—and at the same time it’s one of its biggest challenges.
A street vendor sells baked goods by the roadside.
The taste of diversity: Indian cuisine is characterized by an abundance of spices and condiments. It’s also sumptuous, because it uses oil and butter lavishly. To make sure the vegetable oil used for cooking can be kept for long periods, it is hydrogenated during production. The necessary catalysts are produced by Evonik Catalysts India in the city of Dombivli in western India.
Two young women and a man are sitting outside looking at a laptop together.
Technology creates opportunities: A flourishing IT industry has been developing in India since the 1970s. Today numerous companies and startups are driving the digitalization of the country forward. A key element of this process is the creation of a fiberoptic network with cables that operate reliably. Evonik produces raw materials for manufacturing optical fibers that are extensively used in India.
A herd of cattle walks leisurely along an unpaved path.
Visitors to India are more than likely to encounter freely roaming cows and bulls. Cattle enjoy a very special status in this country. Hindus worship them as holy. At the same time, cattle are important farm animals. India is the world’s biggest milk producer, and consequently its need for nutritious animal feed is huge. As a major producer of amino acids for feed additives, Evonik is helping to meet this need. In addition, it’s improving the gut health of Indian chickens with its probiotic GutCare ® PY1.
A man paints the figure of the Hindu deity.
A godly vision: Images of the Hindu divinity Lord Ganesha are produced in all sizes and carefully painted for the god’s annual festival. At its production facility in the city of Jhagadia, Evonik produces silica that is used in such paints.


Evonik has three production facilities in India. In Dombivli the company produces hydrogenationcatalysts for oils and fats, precious metal catalysts, and active metal catalysts. At its facilities in Gajraula and Jhagadia it produces silica. Evonik India has its headquarters in Mumbai. In addition, Evonik operates two research centers and numerous sales offices throughout the country.

Major Evonik locations

1 Mumbai

2 Dombivli

3 Gajraula

4 Jhagadia

Evonik sites in India

At 7 locations in India, Evonik has 656 employees.