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symbol picture Wasserstoff

Hydrogen from the biorefinery

Symbol picture: Hydorgen
Reading Time 2 min
January 19, 2025

At the Evonik site in Rheinfelden, on the border with Switzerland, hydrogen is produced in an unconventional way.

In my element – hydrogen

The Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology (IGB) recently started operating a pilot plant at our site that produces green hydrogen, among other things, by combining two biotechnological processes. The biorefinery uses rinse water and residues from our production. As Evonik's project manager, I was responsible for providing the infrastructure needed to set up the plant. The Rheinfelden site has been producing hydrogen on site for decades, but only from natural gas, a fossil raw material. The Fraunhofer IGB research project opens up interesting prospects for how green hydrogen could be produced in the future.

Benjamin Ebner looks through the glowing panels
Benjamin Ebner, head of plant design and assembly coordination at the Technical Service in Rheinfelden, manages a wide range of projects in the areas of production and infrastructure. He is the point of contact at the Fraunhofer IGB for technical questions relating to the operation of the biorefinery.

The Green Hydrogen revolution starts now

3D-Darstellung eines Wasserstoffsymbols auf einer frischen Frühlingswiese mit blauem Himmel im Hintergrund.