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Feed analysis: Bon appétit

Modern compound feed has to fulfill many requirements. Not only must it provide animals with healthy nutrition and minimize the excretion of nitrogen—its production should also consume as few raw materials as possible. Evonik’s feed analyses and essential amino acids are making an important contribution to sustainable animal husbandry.

Graphic animal nutrition using the example of soy
Data Mining

World market for animal feed

Where does the soy come from, what ends up in the feed trough? Our data mining provides information.

Modern cowshed

Debate: Is smart farming worth it?

Thanks to smart technology, cows can be milked efficiently and crop protection agents can be precisely applied. At the same time, data gathering and processing is facing agricultural operations with huge challenges. Andreas Dörr, a farmer, and Johann Meierhöfer, an expert from a farmers’ association, talk about the opportunities and limits of digitalization

Model of a self-propelled field sprayer


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Climate protection's everyones business

Clean Water

Unevenly distributed water

More and more often, entire regions are drying out—while other regions are being devastated by catastrophic floods. The uneven distribution of water is facing the human race with problems that were previously unimaginable. Good management and technology adapted to local needs can help in the search for a solution

Ferdi Schüth, 62, ist seit 1998 Direktor am Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung in Mülheim an der Ruhr. Von Juni 2014 bis Juni 2020 war der Chemiker Vizepräsident der MaxPlanck-Gesellschaft, für die er Energiethemen repräsentiert. Bereits 2007 koordinierte Schüth innerhalb der deutschen Chemieorganisationen ein Positionspapier, das die Bedeutung der Branche für die Energieversorgung und eine effiziente Energieverwendung aufzeigt.

Planning and prioritization for climate neutrality

Ferdi Schüth is one of the most renowned chemistry professors in Germany and the managing director of the Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung. He thinks it is technologically possible for the EU to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. However, the attainment of this goal will require the chemical industry to radically restructure its material and energy flows


Herne plans to be climate-friendly

Solar power, green hydrogen, carbon dioxide from exhaust gases—energy and raw materials must increasingly be obtained from non-fossil sources in order to make chemical production more climate-friendly. This is an overview of the plans for Evonik’s Herne location

Climate Protection

Climate-friendly methionine from Singapore

The amino acid methionine enhances the sustainability of livestock farming. Evonik is now using an extension of its production facilities in Singapore to also significantly reduce the CO₂ footprint of this animal feed additive

Climate Protection

A green transformation for the chemical industry

There are many ways to make chemical production sustainable. One of these ways is to convert not only the big reactors but also just about everything around them. Managing raw materials, energy or waste flows smartly can be the key to a green future. Evonik wants to demonstrate this with its Herne Green Deal. A site visit

In my Element


“When you're free-diving, your strength comes from serenity”

Dr. Andrea „Annie“ Kritcher ist Kerntechnikerin und Physikerin an der National Ignition Faculty des Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Kalifornien. Für das Experiment im Dezember 2022 hat sie die Kapsel mit dem Brennstoff aus Deuterium und Tritium entworfen.

“I’m reaching for the stars”

Dr. Andrea “Annie” Kritcher is a nuclear engineer and physicist on the National Ignition Faculty at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California. For the December 2022 experiment, she designed the capsule that contained the deuterium and tritium fuel


"Iron forms the basis of my collection"

I haven’t always been passionate about chemistry. At school, I didn’t understand much of it at first.



Evonik Country

Brazil: Land of the future

A “land of the future”—that was how the author Stefan Zweig rhapsodized about Brazil. He wasn’t the first one to pin his hopes on this country—and he won’t be the last

One of the most beautiful cities in Italy: Citta Alta of Bergamo. Lombardia, evening sunset and landscape on the old town with cathedral and clock towers
Evonik Country

Italy: Constant Change

When people think of Italy, they usually envision romantic images: the canals of Venice, the Eternal City of Rome, the landscapes of Tuscany. But Italy is more than historical architecture and the Mediterranean lifestyle. A journey through a country that relies equally on innovations and timeless qualities during times of change.

A tranquil Canadian lake in a coniferous forest, with mountain peaks in the sunshine behind it.
Evonik Country

Canada: Country of Diversity

Undisturbed landscapes and ultramodern major cities, a traditional nation of immigrants, and a significant supplier of raw materials: Canada is a country of diversity. The “other America” is the world’s tenth-largest economy and has the world’s third-largest oil reserves. Evonik and its predecessor companies have been there since 1974.

Street scene in India, many people in colorful clothes are on foot.
Evonik Country

India: Tradition and Progress

A fascinating multiethnic country and an innovative technology location: India unites tradition and progress to an extent that few other countries can match. Evonik’s predecessor companies established footholds in India over 40 years ago. Since then, the company has continually increased its operations there. It’s an investment with a promising future.

Penguins on a bright beach in front of crystal clear water.
Evonik Country

South Africa: Country with many Facets

Pristine wilderness, a turbulent history, and a culture in transition: South Africa is a country with many facets The “rainbow nation” is one of the most dynamically growing economies on the African continent. It’s a promising future market for creative solutions.

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