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Ready to Wear

The surface of our body is home to a large number of microorganisms that are beneficial to our health. Cosmetics should not disturb the natural microbiome of the skin. For this reason, a team at Evonik led by microbiologist Stefan Pelzer has developed a model that can be used to test important ingredients

Various bacteria and pathogens on a human hand, the microbiota of the skin - 3d illustration
Energy Transition

Under Power

Expensive energy sources and raw materials as well as stricter requirements for climate change mitigation require new processes for the production of chemicals. Evonik is therefore exploring ways to make greater use of electrochemical processes and products—and has set up a platform specifically for this purpose

Running smoothly: Ph.D. student Vera Beier tests the electrodialysis circuits in the pilot plant

Reusing Rubber

To date, most of the main component of old car tires can hardly be used for the production of new ones. One of the reasons for this is that vulcanization, which is important in the formation of rubber, cannot simply be reversed. That’s why Evonik is researching a technology that makes more end-of-life tire material fit for reuse



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Better than Real

The market of artificial leather is booming, but its production is currently not very sustainable. Researchers have developed an additive that paves the way for environmentally friendly production processes.

Resource Efficiency

Good inside and out

A lot of food we produce is thrown away or lost. The use of coatings and additives in packaging helps to curb the loss and waste of food


A new assistant for the coatings industry

COATINO™ is the first voice-controlled digital assistant for manufacturers of coating – in the future, it will make lab work much easier.


Precision Product

In many parts of the world, crop protection agents will be spread by drones in the future. The new technology places special demands on the spray mixture. Evonik has found a formulation that prevents unwanted drift and distributes the active ingredients as well as possible on leaves

In my Element


“Without sulfur there would be no life”

The exhalations of a volcano are suffocating, acrid, and sulfurous. We can get a sense of what this smell is like during breakfast. When we crack a boiled egg open, an amino acid containing sulfur is released.

Dr. Andrea „Annie“ Kritcher ist Kerntechnikerin und Physikerin an der National Ignition Faculty des Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Kalifornien. Für das Experiment im Dezember 2022 hat sie die Kapsel mit dem Brennstoff aus Deuterium und Tritium entworfen.

“I’m reaching for the stars”

Dr. Andrea “Annie” Kritcher is a nuclear engineer and physicist on the National Ignition Faculty at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California. For the December 2022 experiment, she designed the capsule that contained the deuterium and tritium fuel


"Iron forms the basis of my collection"

I haven’t always been passionate about chemistry. At school, I didn’t understand much of it at first.


Evonik Country

Brazil: Land of the future

A “land of the future”—that was how the author Stefan Zweig rhapsodized about Brazil. He wasn’t the first one to pin his hopes on this country—and he won’t be the last

One of the most beautiful cities in Italy: Citta Alta of Bergamo. Lombardia, evening sunset and landscape on the old town with cathedral and clock towers
Evonik Country

Italy: Constant Change

When people think of Italy, they usually envision romantic images: the canals of Venice, the Eternal City of Rome, the landscapes of Tuscany. But Italy is more than historical architecture and the Mediterranean lifestyle. A journey through a country that relies equally on innovations and timeless qualities during times of change.

A tranquil Canadian lake in a coniferous forest, with mountain peaks in the sunshine behind it.
Evonik Country

Canada: Country of Diversity

Undisturbed landscapes and ultramodern major cities, a traditional nation of immigrants, and a significant supplier of raw materials: Canada is a country of diversity. The “other America” is the world’s tenth-largest economy and has the world’s third-largest oil reserves. Evonik and its predecessor companies have been there since 1974.

Street scene in India, many people in colorful clothes are on foot.
Evonik Country

India: Tradition and Progress

A fascinating multiethnic country and an innovative technology location: India unites tradition and progress to an extent that few other countries can match. Evonik’s predecessor companies established footholds in India over 40 years ago. Since then, the company has continually increased its operations there. It’s an investment with a promising future.

Penguins on a bright beach in front of crystal clear water.
Evonik Country

South Africa: Country with many Facets

Pristine wilderness, a turbulent history, and a culture in transition: South Africa is a country with many facets The “rainbow nation” is one of the most dynamically growing economies on the African continent. It’s a promising future market for creative solutions.

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